Your New Year's Resolution Should Be: Wake up before noon |
You've been accused of sleeping your life away, and it's a little bit true - you are really into your pillow. In fact, it may be years since you've seen a sunrise at the *start* of your day. Sleep a little less. Some sunshine would do you good. |
What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be?
It's strange: I was just looking at my
Album Collection and noticed that I don't have any CDs that were released in 2004; what's up with that? Was 2004 just a somehow unusually dismal year for me, musically? I reckon it might be because, unless I'm sure I want a whole album from someone, it's easier to just download the specific tracks I want. I'm sure this is the case for other people, too. Not that I didn't buy any albums this's just that they were all from 2003 or earlier. Weird. Looked at my wishlist, too, and the only album I even just
wanted that came out this year was Darren Hayes's new one. Hmm, actually, I think I'm about to order it online from Future Shop, so once I get it it'll be the one 2004 album I actually bought in 2004. Heh.
Went to Niagara today, just to look at the new (apparently) casino and walk around a bit. Was nice enough; buffet was good, but the benefits of an "all you can eat" deal are kind of wasted on me since I can't eat that many plates of food to begin with.